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Social Security: Your Surprising Worst Case Scenario


March 4.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.  If you are planning any retirement scouting trips this winter be sure to use our State Directories to get ideas for where to visit.
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This old railroad and mining town in Southwest Colorado attracts retirees looking for every kind of outdoor recreation including mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, and golf. 

We just loved reading your interesting comments to last week's survey on intentions and attitudes towards your impending 50th reunions. Most of you are looking forward to it. The ones that have already gone were very pleased. Check out the results and comments here.

This old and wealthy fishing town has a long history on the rich fishing and oystering areas of the Gulf Coast.  There is an interesting downtown with many restored buildings reminiscent of the Old South.

This article covers 2 great ways to maximize your Social Security benefit. Depending on your earnings record, one could put $48,000 in your pocket in 4 years; the other could mean a lot more over your retirement. It has much to do with knowing your worst case scenario.
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